Timbrasom - Experience

by TimbraSom



The Timbrasom is committed to making access to information and culture as accessible as possible, primarily for the deaf community.Starting with the topic of Culture, we chose music to represent our entry into this new way of perceiving the world. Finally providing access to musical culture for individuals who were previously excluded (Severe/Profound deaf individuals) not by choice but due to the lack of efficient methods for their inclusion.So, Timbrasom arrived with a different vision. Instead of a costly vest for you to feel the sound, we decided to make this experience affordable, fast, and available to you 24 hours a day."Lets put the Vibration Party in the pockets of our users" - Timbrasom, 2021.Our app, a key part of our approach to addressing the lack of inclusion in entertainment and culture, is based on two simple functions:"Microphone": Simply click, and you can translate any ambient (rhythmic) sound into vibrations almost instantly."Timbrar": The most innovative function of our app. We didnt want our users to be limited to just a few songs or forms of entertainment. Therefore, we developed a feature that allows you to feel the sound from various other apps (even if your phones volume is at 0), such as YouTube, YouTube Music, Disney+, Deezer, Amazon Music, and much more.